Flurina Badel

Photo © Juliette Chretien

EN Flurina Badel is a multilingual writer, performer and visual artist. She was initially trained as a journalist before completing her Master of Fine Arts at the Institute Art Gender Nature of the HGK in Basel, and studying at the Institute for Language Arts at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Since 2014, she has worked as a visual artist in collaboration with Jérémie Sarbach. As part of the Badel/Sarbach duo, she won the Manor Art Prize in 2019. That same year, she published her first volume of poetry tinnitus tropic (editionmevinapuorger, Zurich), which won the Swiss Literature Prize in 2020. In 2024 her first novel Tschiera was published (Chasa Editura Rumantscha, Cuoira). Flurina Badel often creates and performs in collaboration as for example with musician Fred Frith for the Opera Truth is A Four Letter Word(commissioned by Sons d’hiver festival, 2023 Paris) and with rapper Alexander Moto (Explore the North Festival 2024, NL). Flurina Badel was a writer in residence at the Fondation Jan Michalski (2023) and at Wintertuin (2024, NL).


RM Flurina Badel (*1983 a Lavin) es autura plurilingua ed artista. Davo il stüdi da schurnalissem ha ella absolt il Master of Fine Arts a l'Institute Art Gender Nature da la HGK a Basilea ed ha stübgià a l’Institut per art litterara da l’Università d’art applichada a Vienna. Daspö 2014 lavura ella i’l duo Badel/Sarbach chi’d es gnü undrà tanter oter cul Premi Manor 2019. L’on 2019 es cumparü seis prüm tom da poesia tinnitus tropic (editionmevinapuorger, Turich). Quel es gnü premià cul Premi Svizzer da Litteratura 2020. L’on 2024 es cumparü seis prüm roman Tschiera (Chasa Editura Rumantscha, Cuoira). Ella creescha e perfuorma suvent in collavuraziun sco per exaimpel cul musicist Fred Frith per si'opera Truth is A Four Letter Word (Sons d’hiver festival, 2023 Paris) e cul rapper Alexander Moto (Explore the North Festival 2024, NL). Flurina Badel es statta tanter oter stipendiata da la Fonadtion Jan Michalski (2023, CH) e da Wintertuin (2024, NL).


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