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Flurina Badel

  • Arsen'alt 12 Derrière-les-Remparts Fribourg, FR, 1700 Switzerland (carte)
18:00 | Performance | RM/EN | Arsen’alt | 45’ | CHF 12.-/10.-

RM Co esa da discuorrer üna lingua main e main incletta? Che es l’intersecziun cun üna lingua chi’s derasa vieplü? Che significha dad esser cosmopolita in ün muond chi vegn dominà vieplü da despots, foss da classa, guaffens digitals e da crisas climaticas? Che bös-chs dessan gnir implantats? E l’uffant?

EN Disgust is a bilingual monologue by author and performer Flurina Badel. How does it feel to speak a language that is less and less understood? What is the interface with a more and more widespread language? What does it mean to be a cosmopolitan in a world increasingly dominated by despots, class divides, digital devices, and climate crises? Which trees should be planted? And the child?

BIO Flurina Badel

22 février

Collectif Liesette – Ailleurs/Woanders

22 février

Mimi Haddam